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Wednesday 8 July 2015

Weekly Weigh In

Little bit late with the Monday Weigh in this week as I'm a little out of routine! Where I should have more time as my boy is on a school trip I've found myself a little lost without him and struggled to get motivated! I'm a complete control freak and any change to my routine completely throws me out! I had big plans this week to ramp up the exercise while the boy was away, but a pulled muscle in my shoulder means I've done a lot of sitting on my arse! Sods Law!

Anyway......lost 1 1/2 this week taking me to 1 1/2 below target. Aiming for another half pound this week so I'm two below target and therefore giving myself some wiggle room for when we are away over the summer for a few weekends......and out of routine! If I can teeter on the three pounds below target that would be even better!

6th week at Target and not doing too badly!

Took the Chorizo Bites and some of the Iceland Slimming World Mediterranean Chicken Sausages with me to tasting. Bought two packets of the sausages and really didn't like them much. VERY garlicky! Thought I'd free up some room in my freezer and take them to tasting for everyone to make their own mind up after I gave them a bit of a slating in Image Therapy the other week!

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