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Friday 3 July 2015

Easy Oven Baked Cauliflower Couscous - Speed + Free

Love this recipe great hot or cold or could be used as cauliflower rice with a curry! I was lazy and bought the Tesco ready grated cauliflower, chopped some onions, chilies and parsley and mixed with the cauliflower. I added garlic granules and paprika and mixed it in. Put in an ovenproof dish and spray with Frylight. Bake for 10 minutes on max and then stir when it's browned on top. Turn the oven down to about 220 degrees and bake for another 10 minutes. Stir and place back in the oven for another 10 minutes. I was happy with mine after 30 minutes, but you can do for longer if you'd like it browner! I've cooked up a shed load so will freeze some for another day.

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