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Saturday 18 July 2015

Chocolate Eton Mess

LOVE this, Quark with sweetener, bournville hilights, vanilla essence and strawberries, with crumbled merengue! 4 Syns of deliciousness!  Why deny yourself! Juicing, shakes, pills etc??? Give Slimming World a go!!

Quark Fish Pie, Courgetti, Carroti and Samphire

Loved this, someong from group posted up a Slimming World fish pie the other day and it looked lovely! Here's my take on it, fish pie mix, prawns and a tuna steak fried in frylight with rainbow pepper with dill, parsely and samphire on courgetti and carroti, courgette spaghetti and carrot spaghetti from Tesco!

Friday 17 July 2015

New Link - Kell's Slimming World Adventure

Kell's Slimming World Adventure

Great read, great recipes and some inspiring ideas and honesty! Clicky click and give it her a read!

Thursday 16 July 2015

Speed Dodger

Oops......there's some nights I just can't be arsed with chopping ...Linda McCartney Red Onion and Rosemary (Syn Free) sausages in a toasted wholemeal (HEXB) thin! Hit the spot!! Sandwich Like YUM!

Arla Skyr Honey Yogurt and Watermelon

Been waiting to try this as it sounded lush, and it was delicious! Great honey flavour and only 3 Syns for a 450g pot which is huge! Had it with watermelon and a dusting of Cadburys chocolate sprinkles!

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Slimming World Salt and Lime Pepper Calamari

Decided to try a new recipe tonight using the Lime Pepper I bought from Tesco today. I've never cooked squid before, not unless you count a shop bought bag of frozen ready made calamari! So I ordered some squid from Tesco and got three little ones for just under £2.00. I squidged out the tentacle bits and chopped off the wingy bits, and chopped the main body into rings. I used a tablespoon of flour which is two Syns, but only half (if that) of is stuck so I'm counting one Syn! Then I poked the tentacle bits and decided I couldn't eat them so left them out! Chucked the rings in the bag of flour, salt and lime pepper and shook. Chucked into a very hot pan for about four to five minutes and had with salad and my HEXB wholemeal thin toasted and cut into little triangles.

Syn Free Food Treat

I've got out of the habit of having regular food treats. It's something I used to do years ago when I got to target weight. I'd follow plan weekdays and then eat what I wanted at the weekend, then the weekend crept into Friday, then get the idea? Diets I've followed before had always be so much more restrictive on what and how much you can eat that it's so easy to fall off the wagon as soon as you start eating normal food at normal quantities on the weekend. 

As I've found Slimming World to be so much more like a healthy eating plan where you just tweak normal every day food, in normal portions I don't really feel like I need a treat - other than wine ;-) I'm probably happier with a Slimming World burger than a Whopper from Burger King these days! I also like how they don't ask you to up your Syns once at target, which would just encourage me to slip back into bad habits. 

The easier a plan is to follow the easier it is to stick to and end up as a new normal . The more difficult and time consuming it is to follow the more likely I am to get fed up of it's restrictiveness and go off plan. It's easy to be more laid back around planning meals if all you have to have is a fridge full of normal food. As long as it's there you don't have to plan everything in advance, you can just open the fridge and decide on the spot. It's also nice and easy to have fall back food in the cupboard or freezer for a busy day. Pasta, couscous, tuna, beans, potatoes, Iceland ready meals...I could go on! So it's not the end of the world if you've not had time to spend all day planning your evening meal, then weighing and measuring it all out when you get in before you can even cook and eat it!

Whilst the food optimising plan might seem really complicated when you first read through it, as it begins to make sense and sink in it's surprisingly easy to follow. If you're struggling get help in group, or most Slimming Word groups have online Facebook pages only accessible by the members of their group where you can get help, support and advice.

I digress, now I just need to decide what to have for dinner and which pepper pot to use first!!