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Tuesday 9 June 2015

First Post

So it was this post I read today which made me decide to start this blog.

The post that prompted the blog!

It makes for a really interesting read and so here I am right at the beginning of the maintenance journey. I've been here several times before and to be honest, don't shoot me, I find it harder to maintain long term than I do to lose the weight in the first place. There are loads of blogs out there documenting peoples weight loss journeys from beginning to end, but the end is just a new beginning! Once you're there you need to learn how to manage that, and I'm employing several strategies. I'm a member of my local Slimming World group, this is the second one I've been a member of but this time there are differences! Firstly it's run by one of my best friends who has been a Slimming World Consultant since the beginning of the year. I help out at group so that gives me some responsibility and means I don't just decide last minute I "can't be arsed to go to group this week". I've also stayed to Image Therapy every week which is something I never used to do. I was the typical weigh and run member before. Both helping out as a member of the Social Team and staying to group have helped keep me focused, and meant that I've met some really great people, got to know them properly and made friends. I'm going to keep up this blog so I can look back when times are tough and remember why I started, and why I need to keep it up!

That's all for now, here's to the beginning......

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