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Friday 19 June 2015

Slimming World Sausage Rolls

I made these a while back and they are really nice but better warm fresh from the oven. Make up smash to a thicker consistency than normal and roll out between a couple of pieces of clingfilm and wrap round a sausage. Sprinkle over some herbs, salt and pepper. Spray with Frylight and bake in the oven until browned. I used Linda McCartney red onion and rosemary ones as they are free and lovely!

I'm pretty sure they are considered a "Tweak" as you're using the free smash in a way it's not normally intended. However I tend to take a practical view of Tweaks and if I was having this as as part of a main meal I'd not consider it a Tweak. If, for example, I was eating them or something like the lasagna Doritos as a snack between meals I'd syn them as a Tweak.

Tweaks can be a bit difficult to get your head round a first but the picture below should help! If in doubt assume it's a Tweak and Syn it. That way you're protecting yourself from a gain.

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