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Thursday 25 June 2015

Making The Most Of Your Calories

Before starting Slimming World I would have said I was quite clued up with dieting, I’ve tried just about everything going at one point or another from Weight Watchers, to Atkins, Cabbage Soup, Low GI, Slim Fast, counting calories .....and so on and so forth. I guess I would have been right I knew a lot about diets and what you needed to do on them in order to lose weight. What I didn’t really understand was nutrition. I could count calories, work out points or just not eat all together and drink milkshakes! What I’ve learnt at Slimming World is how to make the most of the calories I consume. At the end of the day losing weight is a simple calculation of calories in versus calories out. That’s looking at it very basically as there are so many other factors to take into account but the basics are, eat less calories than you burn to lose weight.

Before I started Slimming World I was using My Fitness Pal to log and count calories in and log exercise as calories out which was a success and I did lose weight. But as I wasn’t really making the most of my calories I was often hungry, or going over calorie budget with wine at the weekends. When I started Slimming World the first time I went for it, I ate a big Slimming World fry ups for breakfast, huge salads for lunch and enormous dinners. I lost 3 1⁄2 lb the first week and was amazed! After the first week I decided to add my food into My Fitness Pal just out of curiosity and was amazed to have come in under the normal amount of calories I’d have usually eaten whilst eating twice as much and not going hungry. Food Optimising gives you a really easy way of controlling the amount of calories you eat without really having to weigh or measure very much at all. Simple changes from lean mince to extra lean mince, removing the fat from meat and using things like Frylight made so much more of a difference calorie wise than I’d have thought. As I settled into the Slimming World plan a bit more I’ve reduced the amount I eat naturally and fit back in with my normal eating routine. The novelty of a big English breakfast has worn off, I don’t really have the time or inclination to do this every day. I rely quite heavily on my staple lunch of Mug Shots Monday to Friday with a piece of fruit and/or a Muller Light yogurt as these are easy, quick and filling. Spicy Tomato is my favourite of the moment. Some Mugshots are free and some are Synned so check these out also beware of the ones you get in poundshops etc. as they are sometimes Synned too, even if the same flavour supermarket ones are free. I found the visual below for Synning Mugshots.

Anyway I digress, I’ve found I’ve settled into a more normal pattern of eating for me which fits my appetite and daily routine. I’ve also found I’m naturally starting to eat less and could eat even less if I think consciously about the meal I’m preparing. I still have a tendency to overfill my plate, and a tendency to not want to leave anything but I’m gradually learning to gauge what’s on my plate with what will satisfy my appetite. But even if I do eat more than I really need to I feel safe that it’s not going to result in a big gain on the scales as long as I’m sticking to plan.


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