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Wednesday 17 June 2015

Danger Foods

I have a list of Danger Foods, these are foods that if I have in the house I can’t leave alone, so in general I don’t buy them. I have four foods, two pretty obvious ones and two maybe not so.

1. Butter

If I have this in the house I use it. I generally buy spread which doesn’t bother me but butter makes me want to eat bread, not just any bread but uncut white bread, baguettes, ciabatta and toast! In our house if there’s uncut bread of any type it’s usually me who eats it, my family prefer a sliced loaf. So if there’s butter, there’s bread that only I eat, and it would be rude not to eat it before it went stale!! If it’s not there I don’t miss it, or crave it but if it’s there I’d eat it! I always buy a couple of packs of butter at Christmas as a treat, and occasionally if we are having a BBQ or special occasion I’ll get a small tub of Lurpak.

2. Chocolate Hob Nobs / Digestives

A relatively obvious one, but I can never just stop at one of these. Once the packet is open I don’t stop till they are gone or I feel sick! I recently had my gallbladder removed and got through a whole large packet in about a day and a half! Post operative treat, nice but not good for the waistline.

3. Coleslaw
Not just any coleslaw, it has to be at number one Waitrose and number two Tesco. Again a food I just can’t leave alone and I’m the only one in the house who eats it really. Therefore it’s down to me to be a trouper and not let any go to waste. On top of this I refer back to number one as there’s nothing I love more than a big chunk of freshly baked uncut bread with butter and coleslaw. I also love coleslaw on toast, with salad, in a burger, in a sandwich or just a spoonful on its own whilst making any of the above. It might not seem like a particularly bad one as it’s easy enough to Syn and easily accommodated within your 5 to 15 Syns a day. But, as I find it hard to leave alone I only buy this occasionally. Fortunately I do most of my shopping online at Sainsbury’s (whose coleslaw comes in at number three) so I’m not often tempted to buy some. If I am making a trip to Tesco I am usually able to resist, Waitrose comes in a bit harder especially as the small pot only comes with one of those annoying peel back lids, and the big pot comes with a proper clip on plastic lid!

4. Hi Fi Bars

Again maybe not an obvious one? But so delicious and easy to pick up and eat before you’ve even realised what’s happened! If they’re not in the house I don’t miss them, but if they’re there I’m constantly wanting one or two for breakfast, then I get home in the afternoon and usually have a coffee, which immediately makes me want a Hi Fi to go with it. The later in the evening after dinner, another coffee, another Hi Fi craving. I buy these every few months or so as a treat I can’t buy them every week any more as I scoff the lot in about two days. Hi Fi treat at the moment is the Slimming World Lemon Merengue Hi Fi Lights. Syns each or two for a HEXB.

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